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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Extreme Cameling

You might not be familiar with the X-Games newest sport, Extreme Cameling, but let me tell you, it is not for the faint of heart.  This weekend I competed in the amateur league of Extreme Cameling with my fellow volunteers in Merzouga (sounds like bazooka, but not), Morocco.  For those unaware of this new and exciting sport I will explain the Training, Rules, Point System, Field Layout, and most importantly How to Win.

Training: Preparing for your Extreme Cameling is key to winning.  It takes hours of dedication to sit on a train, a bus, and then a cab to get to the game.  Don’t forget hydration is vital for making the 10 hour journey, but don’t drink too much as bathrooms are limited.  Training gear should be many layers, as it gets cold in the training center.  Here is a sample of the layer system you should use.
"I'm just so cold"

Also in your training regiment are language skills.  Hand gestures, pointing at maps, and using a minimum of three languages is fundamental to completing your training program. 
Once you have finished your strenuous training you are ready to move on to the rules of the game.

Rules: The rules of the game are complex and can change at any moment.
-       The game starts promptly at sunrise
“Get your game face on ladies” 

-       Naps are permitted at the beginning of the game
-       Participants must dress in head wraps of their assigned team
“Go Green!”

-       Participants mount their camels only with supervision
-       No dismounting your camel is allowed once the riding has started
-       Participants must stay in a line while traveling and order of line may not change
"We're following the leader, the leader, the leader, we're following the leader where ever he may go"

-       Participants will be rejected from the game is they fall of their camel while trying the difficult technique of “side saddle cameling”
-       Participants must be ready at moments notice to take a selfie
"But first, let me take a selfie"

-       Half time of the game is held at the Berber Camp (the mountain people of Morocco) where participants will break for tea and food
"Our favorite time of day. Eating time!"

-       The second half starts off with a fire ritual where teams compete in the rhythm challenge to see who can bang the drum with a steady beat
-       Participants must then have a staring contest with the fire and ponder the deeper meaning of life or how cold the desert is
"Did I tie up my camel?"

-       Participants then go through the “cold night, fun times” challenge as the sleep in tents, try to stay warm, and have fun talking late into the night
-       The next day, the same procedures follow as participants mount their camels and head to the finish line
"My humps, my humps, my humps. My lovely lady...never mind"

Point System: there are many ways to gain and lose points in Extreme Cameling.  Like golf, no one knows all the rules so I will just go over the most common way to gain and lose points.
-       Singing songs from the movie Aladdin with coordinated fun camel dance moves will get your team extra points in the “we were those girls” category
-       Getting your guide to also dance or sing with you will gain your team bonus points
-       Creativity points awarded for best camel shadowing photo

-       Points awarded to participants who can “no hands camel” while going down a sand dune
-       Battling camels (biting one another) is not allowed on the field and teams will lose points for infractions
-       Singing songs from Aladdin are again encouraged at half time for extra “we really were are those girls” points

-       Bonus points awarded to teams that wake up for the “sunrise second day in a row” task
"Can I go back to bed now?"

-       Participants are awarded points for managing full coherent sentences on day 2
-       Camels that come lose from the caravan are docked points
"Get your shit together Lois!"

-       However, if camel is willingly let go from caravan and attempts to run from group, extra points are awarded for bravery
-       Camel bowel movement points are common, but if other participants comment on your camels bowel movement more then once in a hour, your team gets extra points
-       Spitting camels are normal and no points will be docked
-       Texting while Cameling is dangerous but permitted. No points rewarded for successful sent text.

Field Layout: the field is vast and it is easy for participants to become overwhelmed with their surroundings.
-       Mostly, participants are in the desert
-       Participants must take at least a dozen photos of sand dunes (even though they all start to look the same) so they remember where they’ve been


-       Half time is situated in the mountains of "Sand and Time" and participants are logged in the custom tents of “yester years”
"First tent flap on your left"

-       The start and finish line are the same place at the edge of the desert
"We made it!"

How to Win: There is only one way to win at Extreme Cameling.  Have FUN! (man that was a corny way to end this).  
"We are the champions, my friends!"

But for all intensive purposes let’s just say I won (because this isn’t 5 year olds playing soccer and everyone winning).   

"I win!"

I hope you enjoyed this break down of the X-Games newest competition Extreme Cameling.  For more photos and commentary on the sport, check out my Facebook page where I’m sure I will post even more photos! (eventually).

Extreme Cameling Video Extra!!!!!

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