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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Love From Madrid!

"You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here."  This is what the Moroccan government told me.  Well not really but it’s close enough.  I have been in Morocco for 3 months and now I must take my leave on a Visa run!  This is the preferred method for people staying in Morocco for over 90 days.  Applying for a Visa can take a considerable about of time and effort and aint nobody got time for that.  I checked out the cheep airlines and found a flight to Madrid, Spain.  I knew the most important word in Spanish, queso (cheese), so I felt good about surviving in Spain. Turns out that I Love Madrid!

In honor of Valentines Day let me count they ways in which I Love Madrid!

1)    Tapas
If you are unaware of Tapas prepare for your stomachs to be blown!  Tapas is the delicious cuisine that is a variety of appetizers or snacks.  Pretty much it is the sampler appetizer menu for dinner and you get to pick and choose everything on it!  I’m talking if you want to get guacamole, pancakes, cheese, and wine in one meal no problem!  Tapas small portion options are great for a picky eater who might want to try something new but don’t want to risk a whole plate of it.  Beware though, Tapas is a bit like  a bag of “fun size” candy bars – you don’t feel like you are eating a lot but then you look down and the whole bag is gone.  

The best place for Tapas was the Cafeteria next to the Plaza Mayor Square.  It was my Disneyland. 

I did my first lap of the place to search out what I wanted and then I went in for the kill (the happy, shovel my face with food kind of kill).  Here is what I got for brunch. 

“Spinach pie, cheese pie, cashews, cheese, chips and beer.  All part of a nutritious breakfast!”

Madrid is also amazing at hot chocolate.  It’s JUST melted chocolate in a glass!  I admit to being overwhelmed and confused when they handed me a glass full of melted chocolate and people were just drinking it down with no problem.  I opted to add a bit of milk to mine in order to finish drinking it all.  I’m so ashamed.

"How is this not in America?"

I want Tapas everyday for the rest of my life.

2)    Cheese/Queso
Tapas is also amazing because it allows me to eat lots of cheese! 

"decisions, decisions... I will have them all!"

I got this cheese plate for lunch one day and it was glorious.  I was also very happy that the restaurant was loud so fellow restaurateurs couldn’t hear how much I was enjoying each and every bite.

3)    Wine
Wine is my friend.  We have a very long and meaningful relationship.  Rioja wine was my preferred poison on this trip and it never disappointed.

“Roses are red. Wine is also red. Poems are hard. Wine.”

4)    Museums
I hardcore got my culture on in this city! I visited the famous Del Padro museum where I figured out one of my favorite painting is also really freaking famous.

"I always imagined being this little girl. Total Diva.”

Other greats I got to base upon were there from Rembrandt, Raphael, Ruben, and a special Goya exhibit.  There are no photos allowed in this museum so you have to Google if you want to see art and stuff.  Instead here is a photo of me next to a tree. 

“Just because I look pretty… like art.”

Next I visited the modern art museum Reina Sofia where I saw Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali.  Those two dudes had some weird ass paintings, but I dig it.

Also featured in the museum was this commentary on American politics. 


And then there is just me playing with the modern art.


Last I hit up this glass museum where this dead lady was chilling with all her hoarder treasures. 

“Creepy and a warning (mom) to not die surrounded by your stuff.”

5)    Royal Palace

This was the first royal palace I’ve ever been to and I have to say that I’m a fan. I think I will try to get one of these bad boys for myself.

“I’ve already picked out my room”

While I was there I also got to see the royal horse guard practice ridding horses… so that was neat.

If anyone is planning a visit to my new home, I would highly recommend getting on one of the tours.  The staff were amazingly knowledgeable and made the experience so much better by pointing out all the little details of the freakishly expensive rooms.  Of course, they also make it a lot harder to steal things.  

"I should paint this in the bathroom"

They only let you photograph the outside and the front hall of the Palace.  I will have to get ride of that rule when I move in so I can Instagram all my riches.

“Bitch get out of my house”

6)    Clean Streets

“Checkout that recycling! Go Green!”

The streets don’t smell like piss! The streets don’t have trash everywhere! The streets don’t have major holes in the ground. The streets have drivers that follow traffic laws!  The streets have dogs on leashes and owners. What a concept! What a city.

7)    Nice people with nice dogs
Madridians (I’m going to pretend that’s what they are called) are very nice people.  Maybe it was because I kept muttering “queso” to people while trying to remember any other words in Spanish like “I’m lost”.  Luckily everyone seemed to see that the struggle was real and helped me get where I wanted to go.

Did I mention that they have dogs in Madrid?! And they actually like them!  Whoa what a concept! (confused? Click here)
Last but not least, there was NO catcalling!!! Men left me blissfully alone on this trip! Freedom!

8)    Squares are not just fun shapes
No matter where I was in Madrid every few blocks I would come across a square.  Each one had a landmark or stature that spoke to the history of that place.

Each square had coffee houses, restaurants and a few shops, making them great areas to go and people watch.  Plus, with people always hanging around it made me feel like I was never alone in the city and was a safe place to be at night.   This might sound like one of the saddest reasons to love a city, but after lots of dark winding alleyways, a well-lit open space is a nice change. 

9)    Beautiful architecture and history everywhere
Everywhere you turn in Madrid you see another beautiful building or piece of history.  It might have been cold and rainy while I was there but I still enjoyed my time outside checking out the cities parks, statues, churches, and other buildings.  

10)    The Taste of America
I was once told a story of a magical store in Spain where American foods and candy were sold.  Gold Fish, popcorn, ranch dressing, and more graced the shelves of this beautiful store and gave people a taste of the processed food that is America.  I had to see this place.  So I made my pilgrimage on the metro to this famed store and see for myself what treasures it held. 

And what riches did I find?  Behold!

"I got the Blues!" 

The Holy Grail! Kraft Mac & Cheese!  I contemplated buying out the stores stock of Mac but then thought I would be robbing the good people of Madrid the delicious treat.  As I walked away from the dream like store, I had a huge smile on my face and giggled (slightly crazy like) to myself at my great fortune.  Now my only problem is how I’m going to cook this marvelously cuisine without having to share it with anyone… 

I special thanks for Mike and Lita for my Christmas present to Spain where I could eat all the cheese and wine as my heart desired.  Love you guys! 

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