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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Cultural Expedition

Timing is everything.  When I signed up for this volunteer program I had to give the earliest date I would be available to start.  I said November 15th only because that seemed like a feasible date to get everything done by.  As luck would have it, that was also at the beginning of UBELONG’s Cultural Expedition in Rabat.  The premise of the Expedition was to take people on short-term intensive cultural immersion and volunteer work.  UBELONG just happen to be doing one of their trips in Morocco when I was starting.  They invited me to participate in the weeklong venture where we would be focusing on the “Arab World; Outside The Headlines”.  In other words, what was the real Morocco like?  Its people, culture, history, beliefs, food and the countries current challenges were all topics we discussed with local professionals and students. 

I had to pay this guy to take the photo so I'm posting it!

"What's that off in the distance? It's cultural learning!"

During the week volunteers work in one of the local NGO’s as well as participate in painting a school.  I was assigned to work in the childcare program for the week with horde of 3-6 year olds.  It was a lot of fun to play and teach the kids but also incredibly tiring after just one week.  Major respect to teachers, especially those who teach the little buggers kids. 

They're little and get distracted easily 

"I know I'm pretty. Let's try this again."

Painting the school was one of the highlights of the week.  The kids who school we painted stayed after to hangout and help us paint.  When we were done with the first round of painting we had an importune dance party and bonded over a random American pop songs (man do they love the Bieber).


The part that really touched me was that when the work was done and the dancing stopped, the community had come out and brought us a feast of snacks and tea.  That kind gesture of support made this whole trip even sweeter.

We really like our snacks
The kids and UBELONG at the school

After a week of volunteering, painting, cooking class, meeting new people and discovering Rabat we headed off to Marrakesh for the weekend. 

Making a traditional Tagine in our cooking class

Family dinner at our Ryad

Marrakesh is a popular tourist destination as it hosts a very large market place for all kinds of goodies and trinkets (you might have seen the market on a recent episode of Amazing Race).  We went on a walking tour of the city to see the gardens Jardin Majorelle and the old University.  

I want this in my backyard

These were the dorms for the smart kids

It was all very cool, however I was not.  It was over 70 degrees there and I was missing a Minnesota winter as I sweat through my long sleeved clothes.  Six miles of walking in what I consider extreme heat (I can see my mentor and tour group rolling their eyes at me while reading this) later we ended up at the traditional Moroccan Hammam (aka bathhouse). 

And now a step-by-step process with commentary on a Hammam bathhouse:
-       Change into a swimsuit and robe in a small locker room. I feel like I’m back in gym class and everyone is trying to change while avoiding eye contact.
-       Walk into a small enclosed steam room with benches, buckets, a tub of murky water, and two woman dressed and ready to undress you.  God it’s hot in here!
-       Take off swimsuit top and rinse in the shower that magically appears from the celling in the middle of the room.  Yup, these are my boobs.
-       Sit on hot bench. At least I got to keep my bottoms. When was the last time this place was cleaned?
-       Woman comes over and covers you head to toe in good smelling soap.  This kind of looks like slime and feels like slime, but does it taste like slime?
-       Sit and wait for the rest of your group to be covered in slime soap.  Still trying to avoid eye contact. I think I’ll just cross my arms over my chest.
-       Rinse in the middle of the room.  How can you not stare at someone as they are being forced into a shower two feet away from you?
-       Lay face down on the bench.  Hey now at least my boobs are covered. And yes that is cellulite – everyone has it! 
-       Get scrubbed down by woman with a loofah and soap.  Seriously this is a brillo pad on steroids!
-       Flip over and get scrubbed on the other side.  And back to everyone seeing my boobs.  Hey that tickles!
-       Rinse off again. I think I’m missing at least three layers of skin.
-       Sit back down on bench and wait for your friends to go through the same.  Haha suckers, told you that does tickles!  
-       Woman comes and dumbs oil on head and washes it.  Well at least this smells good. 
-       Woman dumbs buckets of water on head.  I hope I look like those Herbal Essence commercials when they do this to me.  
-       Rinse again. Don’t open the door when I’m half naked!
-       Put top back on and sit on bench. Man it’s hot. How long do we stay in here?
-       Put feet in bucket of rose petals and flowers.  I feel like a water nymph. Or more likely I am being prepared as a human sacrifice.  
-       One final rinse and dress in robe.  Well that was fun. So sad it’s over.
-       Get escorted to a room of lounge chairs. Guess it’s not over.
-       Sit and drink mint tea. God I love this tea!
-       Another woman comes and puts cucumber slices on eyes and cold cloth over it.  They actually do this in real life!
-       Another woman comes over and rubs feet.  Now I feel like a movie star getting pampered because I’m so pretty.
-       Go up stairs to a private room. Bye friends.
-       Lie down on massage table.  Alright, I could get used to this.
-       1 hour and a full body massage later.  My snoring woke me up…
-       Get escorted back to the small changing room.  I’m floating.
-       Get dressed.  I don’t even care that everyone has seen me mostly naked anymore.  I feel like a cloud.

Obviously I did not get a photo of this experience but here is something I found on Google that looks similar.

Welcome to your spa dreams full of slime and nakedness 

Well what is there to say after an out of body experience like that?  To sum up, we spent the rest of the day wondering the markets and buying treasures.

The market of wonders! 

Next day it was back to Rabat and the start of my official volunteering program!   

Monday, November 24, 2014

We ain’t in Merica

Culture shock.  They tell you to expected culture shock as things are not the same as they are in the States.  Apparently, I just don’t like to listen.  I really shouldn’t be shocked that everyone is not obsessed with red wine, sweat pants, and the TV show Scandal.  Yet I still found myself caught off guard with my new surrounding.  I blame the jet lag.  Initial thought upon exiting the airport was “it’s hot”.  I’m glad I decided to come during their “winter” months.  The drive over to the office, were all UBELONG volunteers have orientation, was filled with slack jaws pressed up against the window.  The scenery reminds be of a mix between Florida and Mexico.  I’ll let you at home use your imagination on what the means for now. 

After a quick orientation of what to expect while we are here including fun tips like; don’t eat with your left hand, your Moroccan mother will try to feed you to death, what the Arabic word for “full” is (however there is no guarantee she will listen to that word), don’t shower everyday, don’t wear your shoes on the carpet, and don’t get hit by a car or motorcycle.  Feeling a little more confident after my list of “don’t dos” we were off to our host families homes through the winding labyrinth of the old Medina (city).  All volunteers are staying in the old city center where the traditional street market is.  Imagine in the movie Aladdin with all the winding streets, market stalls with people shouting about their product, and the random animals milling about and you have the Rabat Medina.  Much more to come on my new hometown and photos to show you all you can get while shopping on the street!

Next on the list of all things non-American is the house.  I will take some photos of my new place and post more about it at a later date.  For now I will just leave you with this fun fact; the bathroom sink is not in the bathroom, but instead next to the front door, which is all the way across the living room.  This makes for a fun walk across the room until you can wash your hands.  Not quite sure what the meaning behind this layout. 

One last remark on the culture shock/jet lag brain is it turns out I’m white and have blondish hair.  A lot of people notice this fact… sooooo staring and occasional cat calling at night are a thing I have to get used to.  I knew I that this would be the case as it was the same situation in Greece and Turkey.  I can only hope that I will eventually be recognized as someone that lives and works in the area and I will be accepted.

That’s all for now.  I will do a recap of the Cultural Expedition that we did last week next.  I start my volunteer job this week and will have a little more frequent access to the internet to post.  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Up in the Air

Since the days of my childhood I have always liked to fly. Oh the trill of traveling when the flight attendant gives you a set of wings!  The exhilaration of receiving free things on an airplane has not left me.  Before you harp that there is nothing “free” about these things I will stop you and say, “I don’t care, they feel free”!  I’m a sucker for these international flying perks like a hot towel (which a flight attendant had to explain the purpose of said towel on my first international flight), the free wine (even if it did taste like juice), the hot meal (hotish), the free Delta swag (including pillow, blanket, earphones, eye mask, and bottled water) and the free entertainment (movies, TV and travel games)! 

I think one of my favorite things to do on long flights is look at everyone else’s personal TV screen and judge them on their movie selections.  Which reminds me of a funny story about the time my mom got on an airplane and was horrified with the man next to her who was watching porn on his laptop.  Later on she would come to learn that said porn was actually Game Of Thrones.  Still good lessons for flyers though, always know someone is watching what you are and judging.  I have no complains about the man in front of me who has watched Ghostbusters, 300, and How To Train Your Dragon 2 (the movie that convinced me that dragons are just big kitties with wings). 

I myself debated on weather or not to watch Guardians of the Galaxy for a 3rd time or something new.  I opted for Magic in the Moonlight which I had high hopes for as it stars Colin Furth and that ginger girl from Easy A.  Too bad it was a long-winded, predictable, Woody Allen movie that had me cringing at the end when Furth kissed ginger (spoiler alert too slow).  I will move on to passing out in hopes of not being too jet lagged. 

After all the fun free flight perks I arrived in Paris at 8:30am their time and met up with two of my fellow Exhibition volunteers. 

I’ve determines my previous statement about the joys of flying are wrong.  My second flight was on Air France (girl friend of Delta) and horror of all horrors I have to actually sit next to someone else!  I no longer like flying.  Also, the meal the served featured some sort of Pizza Roll on steroids.  On the plus side, this meal served brie cheese.

Long story short – I’m alive and well in Morocco!  Sorry this is a few days late, Internet is hard to come by.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Social Media and Me!

Today I leave for Morocco for four months then one month backpacking around Europe!  I will miss you all and hope to keep you entertained with my blog.  I am not sure on how much internet access I will have there but I will try to keep in touch.  I have a few apps that work internationally with my phone as other ways to stay connected.  I will be getting a SIM card there for my phone so my US phone number will be disconnected for the next 5 months.  Here is the list of ways to follow me (All the apps are free for download if you don’t already have them):

Snapchat username: SpartyGirl5
Instagram username: SpartyGirl5
Skype username: blakecai05
Whatsapp: will be under my US cellphone number   
Facebook: send me a friend request if we are not already connected
Twitter: I’m not on it but feel free to #CaityBlake in moderation
And of course you can always leave a note here on my Blog! 

Thanks everyone for the support!