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Monday, November 17, 2014

Up in the Air

Since the days of my childhood I have always liked to fly. Oh the trill of traveling when the flight attendant gives you a set of wings!  The exhilaration of receiving free things on an airplane has not left me.  Before you harp that there is nothing “free” about these things I will stop you and say, “I don’t care, they feel free”!  I’m a sucker for these international flying perks like a hot towel (which a flight attendant had to explain the purpose of said towel on my first international flight), the free wine (even if it did taste like juice), the hot meal (hotish), the free Delta swag (including pillow, blanket, earphones, eye mask, and bottled water) and the free entertainment (movies, TV and travel games)! 

I think one of my favorite things to do on long flights is look at everyone else’s personal TV screen and judge them on their movie selections.  Which reminds me of a funny story about the time my mom got on an airplane and was horrified with the man next to her who was watching porn on his laptop.  Later on she would come to learn that said porn was actually Game Of Thrones.  Still good lessons for flyers though, always know someone is watching what you are and judging.  I have no complains about the man in front of me who has watched Ghostbusters, 300, and How To Train Your Dragon 2 (the movie that convinced me that dragons are just big kitties with wings). 

I myself debated on weather or not to watch Guardians of the Galaxy for a 3rd time or something new.  I opted for Magic in the Moonlight which I had high hopes for as it stars Colin Furth and that ginger girl from Easy A.  Too bad it was a long-winded, predictable, Woody Allen movie that had me cringing at the end when Furth kissed ginger (spoiler alert too slow).  I will move on to passing out in hopes of not being too jet lagged. 

After all the fun free flight perks I arrived in Paris at 8:30am their time and met up with two of my fellow Exhibition volunteers. 

I’ve determines my previous statement about the joys of flying are wrong.  My second flight was on Air France (girl friend of Delta) and horror of all horrors I have to actually sit next to someone else!  I no longer like flying.  Also, the meal the served featured some sort of Pizza Roll on steroids.  On the plus side, this meal served brie cheese.

Long story short – I’m alive and well in Morocco!  Sorry this is a few days late, Internet is hard to come by.

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